Recenzie A Breath Of Fresh Air - 2008

I got to know this band, when occasionally bought the Rugina Nu Moare album by M.S., a band, which was unknown to me back then. As it turned out, I did not buy it vain as music on this album was a very good and solid "a la" Judas Priest. The second album, A Breath Of Fresh Air, differs from the music presented on the debut album very much.

Yes, the influence of Judas Priest is felt in the band's music throughout the album but now it is the ideological extracts of the Jugulator-Demolition period, that is a specific modern sound typical for Alternative, Hardcore, Nu or something else (which I don't have a knack for).

The melodies have changed as well - there are no more catchy riffs or explosive melodies typical for Melodic Metal. Now the music is based on the modern rhythm, which the rest of music is linked to. In fact, there are several songs that are a bit different from the common music trends, for instance, Endless Road ballad; All About George mid-tempo song; The Producer, which has a nice chorus and a bonus track called 30 de arginti in Romanian.

The only thing that remained unchanged is the voice, which is still a pleasure to my ears and sounds notedly good in Dreams Of Fear which is congenially close to Painkiller.

I know there are many people who like Judas Priest of the Owens time so, they should enjoy this album by M.S. But I warn you that the sound of this record is more modern than the one offered by Tipton and Downing.


8,25 of 10

